Why Mona?


My new website is live! I’m so excited to have this space to keep you all up to date with my classes and share lots of yoga-related wonderfulness. For my first blog post I thought I would answer a question that I’ve been getting a lot - why Mona?

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Nope, my name isn’t Mona, but it’s an easy mistake to make. When I created my brand I wanted it to have a name that related to my beliefs about yoga. I’ll be sharing a whole other post about my yoga journey and how life changing the practice has been, but one of the main feelings that yoga brought out in me was a sense of calm that I had never really experienced before. This is something that I want to bring out in my students.

This is where Mona comes in. Mona is an old English word for moon. In yoga there are two main energy channels (or nadis) in the body - the ida and pingla. The ida runs down the left side of the body and is associated with the moon and calming, cool energies (hence why I have a tattoo of a moon on my left ankle!). The pingla runs down the right side of the body and is associated with the sun and warming, active energies.

Whilst my classes do encourage you to move the body in new ways, growing strength, stability, and flexibility, they also encourage you to look inwards, maintain an awareness of the sensations in the body, the breath, and how we choose to live our lives on a deeper level. It’s this awareness that can help you to live in the present moment, stilling the fluctuations of the mind and invoking a sense of calm both on and off the mat.

I wanted to channel the calming and peaceful energies that are associated with the moon in my business name. Also, living by the beach and teaching within a seaside town, I love the relationship that the moon has with the tides. It all fitted together perfectly and Mona Yoga (pronounced like Monn-a, not Moan-a) was formed.

I’m so excited to help people bring peace into their lives through this practice.

Get in touch to book into one of my classes or for private sessions. I hope to see you soon!

Nikki x